
Currency Pegged to Artworks
Instead of Gold

ArtsMint Collateral Asset

ArtsMint Collateral Asset

Instead of Gold

ArtsMint Artworks Currency is launched by individual Creators of Original artwork.

Artworks Currency is created by tying Intellectual property rights of artwork to the Artworks Currency. 

The ArtsMint Currency is thereby anchored in the collateral asset of artwork’s Intellectual Property & Universal Copyrights.

Initial public offering consists of 350 ArtsMint Coins pegged to 350 Collateral Asset Contracts.

ArtsMint Currency carry intrinsic base value by its attachment to Intellectual property rights of Original artworks. 

The collateral asset is subject to rigorous verification process by art brokerage,

Legally binding documentation of the asset inscription to ArtsMint Currency is prepared by Art brokerage, and signed by Creator of artwork, prior to registration onto ArtsMint blockchain ledger.  

ArtsMint blockchain ledger affirm that rights of Artwork’s Collateral Asset are irreversibly assigned to the structure of ArtsMint, as fixed property of ArtsMint Currency Coins.

Registered owner of ArtsMint Currency Coin is legally entitled to the commercial application of 350 Universal Copyrights, including share of licensing revenue from entire portfolio of 350 Artworks Intellectual Property Contracts.    

Revenue from licensing of the Artwork automatically register to the individual ArtsMint’s BlockChain ledger, as shared property of the 350 ArtsMint Currency Coins.   

Subsequent sale of ArtsMint Coin will include rights of revenue from licensing and royalty agreements made prior to the sale of ArtsMint Coin.

Hard limit
Coin Offering

350 ArtsMint Coins are issued by
UnicaMint Artworks Currency Exchange

UnicaMint Exchange is the digital marketplace converting regular fiat money into ArtsMint Artworks Currency. 

ArtsMint Currency is pegged to the collateral asset of intellectual property rights of artwork. 

Traders can buy or sell ArtsMint using regular fiat currency.  

Each individual ArtsMint Coin is registered on the public ArtsMint blockchain ledger.

Principal denomination of ArtsMint is comprised of three (3) equal size of amounts.

1. Artist Payment: Settles payment to Artist for sale of intellectual property rights of the Original Artwork.

2.ArtsMint Investment Cooperative: Settles deposit into UnicaMint Community Charter. 

3. ArtsMint Inextricable  Asset: Settles by deposit into ArtsMint’s fixed (Ruble/Yuan/Gold ) deposit account. 
Subsequent sale of ArtsMint Currency Coin will include the inextricable (Ruble/Yuan/Gold) deposit

ArtsMint Currency Coin
Incorporate Nanotech Digital Security 

ArtsMint CoinVault

ArtsMint CoinVault Hardware Coins are created upon purchase of ArtsMint Collateral Asset. 

The Digital CoinVault retains user’s private encryption keys to the blockchain registry of property. 

Ownership registration of Physical Artwork Original can be merged with registered ownership of the artwork’s intellectual property rights.

The unique ArtsMint CoinVault contains:
A) BlockChain registry of purchased original artwork.
B) ArtsMint collateral asset portfolio.
C) ArtsMint inextricable currency (Ruble/Yuan/Gold) deposit.